Monday, February 19, 2018

Easy Peasy Instant Pot Greek Yogurt

I’m amazed at just how easy yogurt is to make!! I love my euro strainer! I have attached a video of how it works! Looking forward to making whey bread in just a couple hours!
1/2 gallon of your favorite milk
1 tablespoon of starter

Bring milk to 180 degrees. (Or skip for cold start). Cool to 100-110. Add starter. Set IP on yogurt function. I do 8 hours. Less time equals less tartness....

Here is the link for the stainless strainer I have:

Nonstainless version (on sale):

This holds 2 quarts or a half a gallon of milk. Cleanup is simple...just run your strainer under the hot water sprayer. The mesh is fine and fragile so must handle with care.